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Neon Noon

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Neon Noon is written by Tarun Solanki and published by Harper Collins.
Well one liner for this novel is-you love it or you hate it but you cannot ignore it. This book revolves around a guy (honestly the hero’s name is nowhere mentioned in the book. It is written in first person.) who is lost, confused and what not. This guy is a trying to be a writer, the love of his life Anne Marie has left him. Don’t ask the reason behind the break up, it was never mentioned in the book. He decide to take a break and lands in Pattaya. In Pattaya he binge on beer and sex .
While exploring Pattaya, he lands in a bar, where he meet Noon. He brings her to his room and deep connect is formed. He looks at Noon not as a prostitute but as a fellow human being, whose lover also ditched her, when he moved to London for further studies. But before the bond can be strengthened, a Korean pays money and marries Noon. Before bidding final goodbye, the noon gifts him her best friend and makes him promise, that they both will meet again around Christmas, if the things don’t work out with Korean.
The book is slow, dark and chaotic at places. It is definitely not for light read. The plot is scattered and the significance of certain characters, has not been dealt in deep. Even after completing the whole book, I was unable to understand the significance of the lesbian character.
The good thing about the book is, it shows light on the mindset of Thailand prostitutes . We take prostitutes only as body provider, but there are many other human facets, which needs to be explored.
Why should you read the book:
  • Good English
  • Crisp Editing
  • If you like dark novels, then this one is for you.
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