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Book Review of Where Angels Prey

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Where Angels Prey,is a well crafted novel. The author Ramesh S. Arunachalamhas picked up a complex issue of micro finance, and have weaved a thrilling story around the same. Nowhere the book will bore you, infact the complex financial lingos have been explained in simpler terms. The novel is inspired by real life events in Andhra Pradesh, Ramesh fictionalized account exposes the double-edged sword that emerges, when no safeguards are put into place.
The story is based out of Andhra Pradesh and starts with the dream run of Sammann IPO, fastest growing micro finance company. The story further unravels the sudden growth in suicide, due to the loans provided by micro finance sector. It also highlights the ugly nexus, between different micro finance company. 
The plot further thickens, with the involvement of Wall Street and other tech majors, investing billions in this sector. The question that arise is -Why sudden interest of Wall Street in India’s poor?. That is exactly what Robert Bradlee, senior correspondent with The New York Post, sets off to investigate, along with his journalist friend, Chandresh. Little does he know that his search for a scoop would lead him through a complex multi-pronged web of deceit, fraud, manipulation and financial crime, remote controlled from distant lands by an entire chain of financial sector stakeholders. The nexus is so deep that right from politicians, local goons, ngo’s all are involved in exploiting the people, on the lowest rung of pyramid. The novel also highlights the dedication and the honest attitude of two IAS officers Subba Rao and Veena Mehta, who tries to provide justice to the poor. 
Though the story ends on a dark note, that in India if one has money and power, then they are above law, irrespective of the crime one has committed. I would like to partially disagree with this sentiment, with Sanjay Dutt arrest and many other celebs being dragged to court, probably things are looking upwards.
I would definitely suggest to pick up this novel for::
  • Gripping and Entertaining plot.
  • Fact beautifully weaved with fiction.
  •   Throws light on the working of microfinance sector in India.

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