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Lessons from Corona panademic

Ramya Mishra

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It was mid-February, I was sitting at home sipping green tea and fantasizing about my upcoming vacations to Thailand. Everything was in place, all the boxes were carefully checked. See my audacity, I believed corona was some kind of joke, being played by China to create paranoia.

I blocked all the luxury resorts, shows, entertainment parks, and restaurants because I wanted everything perfect without glitches. But, destiny had other plans and Corona spread like a wildfire swallowing everything that enters in its way.

The nations started implementing travel restrictions, visas on arrival were promptly canceled and chaos engulfed the tourism and aviation industry. I was totally stunned, unable to comprehend what exactly happened? I was in an intense denial and had hope in heart everything would be fine by the time of our imminent departure.

But nothing ever went back to normal, the chaos deepened from there, making us realize how vulnerable we are in front of nature and even the best-laid plans go waste if destiny is not with us.

Today, when I look back I find Corona has taught me a lot, every individual might have their own learning but few of the key takeaways from this medical crisis were:

a)Plan with an open mind

Generally when we plan things we make it watertight, leaving no loopholes. It is consistently said a well-laid plan ensures victory in the battlefield, but again, while making plans don’t forget we are mortals, and most of the time wind does not blow as per our conscious will. I would suggest leave room for changes, surprises which life might throw on us. Believe in me a changed plan is better than a broken heart.
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b)Stop procrastinating

Accept the importance of time and understand it is a limited commodity, life is not forever. Make a list of things to do and start working out ways to ticking them off one by one. One of my doctor friends told me, he admitted a 23-year -old in the morning with COVID symptoms by evening the boy passed away. All the dreams left behind, all the hopes vanished. It shook me from inside and woke me up from my deep slumber. Nothing is permanent here, do things you really want to do.

c)Stop running after wrong things

When you are rolling it is easy to aim for the sky, that big car, house, elite club membership, the finest collection of liquor, vacations at exotic locations all sounds wonderful. But have we ever thought how much we put your life on hold to achieve these? The second and most important question is it worth it? I believe we need to try for all those bigger things in life but at the same time take smaller steps. If you can’t do trekking in the Alps, why not the Himalayas near home? We have replacements for everything, we need to open our eyes and see wisely.

d)Saying thank you and sorry a lot

I have seen many people who will point out at your vices at a drop of hat? But if we ask them to highlight a few good points they are often at a loss of words. My point is we don’t need any more critics and haters, please show appreciation, please apologize for the wrongdoing, you might not get a chance again.

e) Nothing Lasts Forever

This too shall pass is going to be my biggest takeaway. Our lives might go on hold for a while, plans might change, the business might get affected, accounts might not get credited, but then this too shall pass. Life will go back to the crazy pace, and you will miss these lost moments. So let’s raise a toast to the present.


  1. Afreen Ansari says

    Totally agree, if nothing corona has really thought us these and we should aim in achieving the same. Quite helpful for sure

    1. gypsy says

      Thanks for supporting the views, this pandemic acted like a wakeup call.

  2. Vidur says

    Yup nothing lasts forever and this is what we humans need to realise asap

    1. gypsy says

      I totally agree with you Vidur.

  3. Nidhi Gupta says

    the motto of my life has been ‘This too shall pass’ and therefore i am staying calm, staying at home and making the best of these lockdown times. The attitude of gratitude is y biggest takeaway from the pandemic.

    1. gypsy says

      I agree and this is the best time to work on the skills, prioritize life and introspect.

  4. Pamela says

    Trust me while reading your post I find the same. As I was about to book for Vietnam in March and by chance due to other works I did not book it earlier and later this situation happened. Agreed on your points.

    1. gypsy says

      I am glad someone agrees with my point of view.

  5. Sundeep says

    Stay home, this too shall pass. And we should stop running for wrong things in life and of course yes we have replacements for each and everything and we need to open our eyes and see wisely. Thanks for sharing the article

    1. gypsy says

      I fully agree, nothing lasts forever is probably the biggest take away from the pandemic.

  6. Raksha says

    Corona has definitely taught us a lot of things. It has helped us understand how fragile life is and how close we need to keep the closed ones. Even though all these teachings and positivity, I do wish it goes away soon and things can get back to normal soon.

    1. gypsy says

      Well said Raksha, it showed us the fragility of life, which we often take for granted. I am sure a few lessons will stay with us forever.

  7. Heena Dhedhi says

    The pandemic has surely taught us to value things that we took for granted, though cliche – I am a changed person.

  8. Priyanka Sengar says

    Completely agree with your point of view. This Pandemic has taught us a lot and changed our point of view towards, travel, career, and future.

    1. gypsy says

      Very well said, it has made us more responsible towards us and others.

  9. Raj Dey says

    This pandemic has taught us the greatest lessons of life.

    1. gypsy says

      Indeed it has.

  10. Lancelot Quadras says

    I know. It’s best to stay positive and spread happiness in a time when every news spreads fear and negativity.

    1. gypsy says

      Agreed, we all need to spread positivity as much as we can.

  11. Amrita says

    I totally agree with you on these points. The pandemic has actually taught me a lot – truly some of the greatest life lessons. There is one thing that I understood is I should definitely stop procrastinating. Thanks for sharing these. Hope things get better soon for the world!

    1. gypsy says

      Even I learnt the importance of taking things head-on, without leaving them on tomorrow. This pandemic is like a wake-up call for all of us.

  12. Hemant says

    I liked your article for the practical reasons you have mentioned. Though difficult to say, how many will follow these, one the corona is over? Interesting blog.

  13. Snigdha says

    This pandemic taught me to value life more, and I am grateful to be alive. Nicely written blog very introspective yet hard-hitting.

    1. gypsy says

      Thanks for the compliment.

  14. Jayshree says

    True. I am a researcher by profession. And seriously the lesson I learnt is to avoid procrastinating. It seriously puts the work to a halt.

  15. Avantika says

    Very true! Corona has definitely taught us to slow down and think more instead of running in the same circles over and over again! This was a very thoughtful post – enjoyed reading!

  16. Roshni says

    I sensed a kind of peacefulness through this blog post. We must all understand shedding all luxury junk food we all can lead a simple life happily.

  17. Romeer Sen says

    We have to learn to live with Corona and build a new pattern of lifestyle. Hopefully we will have a better tomorrow

  18. Vinoth Rajeshwar says

    I agree.. a good time to improve our skills..

  19. Senyah says

    Nicely summarized

  20. Vashi Baloria says

    Well these tenets certainly would take our lives into a much better space & guide us with the right perspective in such different times.

    1. gypsy says

      True Vashi, thanks for the support.

  21. Purvi says


  22. Purvi says

    True this pandemic taught life time lessons

  23. Purvi says

    Yes rightly said

  24. Rajeev says

    Such a beautiful blog !

  25. Nitesh says

    Nice content

  26. Senyah says

    Agreed corona have changed the perspective of every single person

  27. chetan arora says

    Nice positive article amidst all the negatitivity around.

  28. Saif says

    Corona has affected many lives many became unemployed and many died … But most importantly we also learnt family is important too whom we should give priority first

    1. gypsy says

      So true Saif, Corona opened our eyes and set our priorities right.

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