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Funny Assumptions Around Gay Community

By Sakshi Singh & Ramya Mishra

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One thing we all learned from Harry Potter was, “no one should live in the closet”. Now that the laws are finally favoring the LGBTQ+ community, people are becoming more acceptable and open towards the community members. All these laws or quotes are one thing, but coming out was/is/and will always be the most challenging part.

Definitely, the general crowd is more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. But still, there are few things, which people knowingly or unknowingly say to their gay family members or friends, which makes no sense, but also annoys them to death. Here are a few things that masses think are cool to say to their gay buddies, but trust me they are SO UNCOOL!

Did You Find Me Attractive?

The moment you confess to your straight friend about your sexuality, the most common question asked is, “Really so have you ever found me attractive by any chance?” OR “Have you ever thought about me like that?”

Seriously dude, we can tell you for sure, majority of gay person wants to say, “NO, NO and NO” to your fantasy query. Kindly apply your brains, if someone has been your friend for that long, obviously they will look at you only as a friend. Also, every human has a type to which they generally get attracted, and so does a gay person. Most importantly, why would out of so many gays or lesbians, she/he will find you attractive, when you are straight?, P.S No Offence. It’s not like that every girl will be the crush of a lesbian, or every gay male will fantasize about every other guy he meets. For heaven’s sake stop asking such silly questions!

Will Your Kids Also Be Gay?

“Oh, you are an engineer that means your child will also be an engineer.” This should be every gay’s go to response to this question.

But I wonder why someone would ask such an illogical question? I mean sexuality is not heredity, this question indicates the person considers alternate sexuality as a disease. It is proven by science, people are born with a particular sexuality. Thus, a person has no control over it themselves, but also he can’t control the sexuality of the child.

Proud Gay

And use a little common sense, if your gay friend’s parents aren’t gay so why would his child be? Do think thousands of times before asking such a question, as you might get a befitting response, be cautious.

I Always Knew It!

Now, this is the funniest of all, many times when gays come out to their friends, the first thing they would hear is, “I knew it.”

Wow, how did you know, I myself was unaware for so long, how did you figure it out? Moreover, why did you wait for so long, to suggest to me my sexuality, if you knew? These are some of the usual responses, which one should give to a statement like that.

But what actually goes in gay’s head, “Ya, of course, you knew it. I mean it took me 10 to 15 years to realize about my sexual preference, but you being the genius figured it out before me”.

No one can find it out unless they are not informed. The most they can do is to keep on guessing. So stop pretending in front of your gay friends and relatives, you knew it beforehand. The only reason, they look past this statement because they don’t want to get into an altercation with you.

Try to go out with a guy/girl, you will become straight.

“Oh ok let’s go by your advice, why don’t you go out with a girl/boy, you also might become gay. Should I set you up with any of my gay friends?” is the most classic reply one can give to a statement like that.

When noone asked to change your sexual preference, then who gave you the right to ask anyone else, to change theirs? Just save yourself from the embarrassment of getting a lecture. Let people live and stop trying to make them normal, as that is their NORMAL.

Is Your Gay Phase Still On?

“Yes, also my not being friends with you phase is going to start soon, if you don’t stop asking such bizarre questions.” This one-liner always helps, you can say this, we have tried and tested it.

Why is it so difficult to understand? It is not like the red hair or tattoo phase, it is something people are born with. If you are not supportive, then please don’t make them question their sexuality.

This is the last thing your gay friend wants to hear. Trust me, if they thought of coming out to you, then you must matter to them. Don’t trivialize this as a phase. It will either hurt them immensely or will decrease their respect towards you. I believe you don’t want either.

Ehmm..So How Do You Make Love?

“a) Why do you want to know, it is none of your concern? b) Are you looking for some ideas to satisfy your man/woman?” This should be the classic reply to this unthoughtful question. I believe most of the gays don’t ask their straight friends about their bedroom secrets.


The whole point of being gay is to find comfort and intimacy with the same sex. Moreover, what will you do if they tell you how they do it? How is that going to help you? We get it almost every straight person is curious about gay sex, but as you are protective about your privacy, the same stands true for them too. At the end of the day, they are also humans, not some alien species walking on the planet.

In the end, we would like to say, don’t cross boundaries just because they are your friend or relative. They might not reply harshly, but they do get bothered. Kindly remember if someone is comfortable in sharing his/her identity in front of you, this means you are important to them. So stop putting them down by asking crazy questions.

Parting Mantra: Someone has beautifully said,” It’s ok if you are not a supporter, but at least be a human.”




  1. Abkur says

    Interesting.. You can add more such things which straight friends, parents says. Like when they think gays are impotant. But actually biologically they don’t have any problem. It’s just orientation is gay. Your article will help straight people to know about gay.

    1. gypsy says

      I fully agree gays have no problem reproducing, it is just they have different orientations. But it is a common myth.

  2. Joyce van der Ent says

    Nice blog! And I hope people will use your funny answers. Yes, I got those reactions too, also gossiping behind my back that I would find female colleagues attractive, after an innocent smile or a chat.
    I remember a colleague telling that her dart-club would have a competition against a lesbian dart-club, and that she had already asked a girl to figure as her ‘girlfriend’. She wasn’t exactly the most attractive woman you had ever seen, and a bisexual colleague and me looked at each other in disbelief, like every lesbian would immediately jump on you?? Haha.

    1. gypsy says

      Hahahah seriously people need a life, being gay nowhere means falling for all same-sex person. People have represented sexuality to the biological process of reproduction. You need to hear it to believe it.

  3. Sandy N Vyjay says

    This is a very thought-provoking post. Though gay sex has got the nod of the law, yet it will take a while for society in general not to ask stupid questions like what you have listed. They need to respect other peoples’ choices and privacy just like they would want others to do for them.

  4. Manisha Garg says

    People make assumptions about everything and indeed your post throws light on how we take things to a different level of understanding.

  5. Lancelot Quadras says

    Literally these are some funny responses to those questions. It’s bound to hurt the straight community. So it’s best they use their brains and common sense too before asking stupid questions.

  6. Sundeep says

    Yes this is indeed funny. People have some pre conceived notions about LGBTQ community and sometime you find it annoying but sometimes it’s really plain funny. It’s time for the society at large to Grow Up.

  7. Raksha says

    We still have a long way to go and understand the LGQTB community. I do hope with the new generation coming, hope these things change and people start to understand that this is not a phase but a choice and we all need to respect it.

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