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Uncanny resemblance between India and the World Culture

Ramya Mishra

32 1,887

History intrigued me for many reasons, primarily it drills the fact- Nothing lasts forever. The mightiest of the empires, the strongest of the kings all fall prey to time. I always believed, India was not one isolated civilization, it was well connected with the rest of the world. With this thought in my mind, I started my research, totally unaware that I would be landing with a treasure of information. The more the research progressed an amazing picture started emerging, which highlighted a few interesting facts. Probably our legendary ancestors were better interconnected, without getting into the frequent tussle of proving their cultural superiority over others. I will share certain myths which India shares with the rest of the world, though the circumstances, characters may differ, no one can refute their existence.


a) The myth around the city of Atlantis-  No one is sure of the existence of The fabled city of Atlantis. A number of archeologists, marine archeologists tried finding out the remnants of this city, but things are still debatable. This prosperous city was supposed to be somewhere near the Rock of Gibraltar, in Spain. It is widely believed this city witnessed gods and humans walking alongside each other. The city amassed immense wealth, there were no beggars. But according to folklore, it is believed this city vanished overnight.

India –  In an interesting similarity, Atlantis had a twin city in India named Dwarka. The mention of this city is in Mahabharata, which was built by Lord Krishna. Similarly, gods and humans co-existed, this fabled city was rich and prosperous but disappeared without a trace.

Point to Ponder: Both Atlantis and Dwarka were drowned in the mighty sea and dissipated within a night. How can it be possible, two cities that were not connected geographically shared the same fate? Can there be a link between the two? I believe millions of years ago, a grand city definitely came to an end. Though the exact location and the name are debatable. The food for thought is that even if the city came to an end, there must be some survivors or natives, who were not present in the city on that doomed night. Their descendants should have existed.

b) Nature worship- Most of the western world is unable to understand our fixation with nature worship. But all the ancient civilizations like Harappa, Egypt, Mayan, Incas worshipped nature. Many of the Mayan ruins narrated a story of a civilization, which was highly sophisticated in maths and astronomy. In a similar manner Egyptians had animal faced gods, they worshipped sun, moon, and stars. This makes a point that nature worship was not a one-off thing, followed by one single civilization, but most of the ancient civilizations followed that.

India – In the morning, when most of the Hindus offer water to the sun or are worshipping banana trees, they are however following the timeless ancient rituals. Presently, we know the scientific logic behind this, by offering water we are getting the much-needed dose of Vitamin D. Still we are unable to comprehend the deeper reasons behind it.

Point to Ponder: The ancient relics, sculptors, etc, used to talk in iconic symbols, this makes them difficult to comprehend. Every so often a sole thing might infer multiple meanings and all will be correct. I firmly believe the wider implication of many of these ancient rituals is not that simple to decipher. But there is no denying of the fact, most of the civilizations followed similar practices. According to me, this indicates an intermingling between different civilizations or the exchange of information. We can see a few of the civilizations were highly advanced. To date, research is being conducted around the construction of the Pyramid. Hence without proper scientific backing, nature worship could not be so widely popular.

This shows Noah’s Ark.

c) Explicit depiction of the great flood- All the cultures and religious books accurately depict a great flood, which engulfed the earth at a certain point in time. They are present in Greek Mythology, Indian, South African, Ireland, China, and the rest of the civilized world. Most of us have undoubtedly heard or read about Noah’s Ark, Gun-Yu in Chinese mythology, Pyrrha in Greek mythology all depicts the massive flood which finished the earth.

India – Closer home we all know about the Pralay described in the Vishnu Purana, Manu the first human was instructed by gods to take one pair of each animal, which would resurrect the world later.

Point to Ponder: Can it be possible millions of years ago our ancestors across the globe, might have witnessed a series of devastation? It might be devastation through comet, flood, the return of ice age but something happened which ensured a place in all the religious books or mythology across the globe.

Rishi Gautam, Rishi Parashar.

d) Gene pool theory- Have you ever thought why royalties across the globe invariably prefer marrying in royalty? And this phenomenon is prevalent across the world. One of the practical reasons we can reasonably foresee, a person from a royal background is already groomed in the code and conducts of the monarchies. But, more than that it is to preserve blueblood or not defiling the gene pool.  Proactively protecting the gene pool is the sole aim of many races and communities across the world.

India – The Kundli system or chart system followed in Indian marriages is based on the identical principle. The first question sought by the respective families looking for a marriage alliance is “What is the gotra?” Gotra is a compelling word, which tells the whole genetic history of the person. And, people from the same gotra cannot get married as they are considered siblings. This is additionally a fascinating way to protect the gene pool. In the priestly class which is widely known as Brahmins, many people who fall in specific gotras, are direct descendants of great sages, whose names are frequently mentioned in ancient scriptures like Rishi Gautam, Rishi Parashar, Rishi Markandeya, Rishi Bharadwaj, etc. They faithfully follow a rigid system and only the descendants of great sages can marry each other.

Point to Ponder:  Today we widely refute this theory as backward, custom driven and baseless. But this theory is not hogwash, it enjoys scientific backing, anyone who understands genetics can clearly comprehend and respect it. This cannot be an incredible coincidence across the globe, holy or great people protect their gene pool religiously. This is one theory that has left me bewildered. On one hand, I cannot deny the scientific logic but then, it will make the society rigid and progress will be haltered.

It is interesting to say we can see the reflections of history in our present-day too. But few of those sacred mysteries are still warmly cocooned in the womb of time, and no one can amply prove the truth behind them. Still, no denying of the fact, this exploration trip opened my eyes and widened my horizon.

Disclaimer: I am not promoting any superstition through the article. I am stating facts and sharing my point of view.

  1. Vidur says

    Wow really interesting points and I see the similarity now. Good read

    1. rahul says

      Amazing and well-researched article. I never connected Atlantis and Dwarka, I will do more research around the same.

    2. gypsy says

      Thanks Vidur, appreciate your kind words.

  2. Pamela Mukherjee says

    Woow , now I’m thinking about all these given points in a new way. Such brilliant post and pointers especially Dwarka and Atlantis is really mysterious.

    1. gypsy says

      I will probably write a full-blown article around the same, as requested by one of the readers. I will keep you posted on this.

  3. Nidhi Gupta says

    There is lot to learn from our ancient scriptures. the more you read the more mesmerised you become with its relevance yin today’s times… and now i have few more subject to read about… thanks for bringing them to fore.

    1. gypsy says

      I am glad you found the article interesting and thought provoking.

  4. Afreen says

    Totally.. India has everything and beyond. Loved the way you have given a perspective to the same.

    1. gypsy says

      Thanks a lot for appreciating the article.

  5. Raksha says

    Wow, this is so interesting. I have seen many cross overs too during my travels. I have seen a lot with the Indigenous people here in Australia and our Indian culture.

    1. gypsy says

      This is true Raksha, it is believed, millions of years ago, Australia was connected with India. And their natives look like us.

  6. Lancelot Quadras says

    Indeed these are definitely things to ponder upon. How did these things come into being, how gods and humans stayed together and even if there were any survivors, where are they!

    1. gypsy says

      Even I was bogged down by this question, where they all vanished? Any civilization does not come to a sudden end.

  7. Sundeep says

    This was quite an interesting read… the theories behind gotra and kundli and offering water to sun could have deep scientific logics behind them. Its just that with passage of time, people distorted these things for their selfish reasons and these became rituals or social stigmas….

    1. gypsy says

      Sundeep, you hit the nail. Due to their personal benefit, most of the rituals are distorted, which is sad.

  8. Priyanka Sengar says

    Wow, I am amazed to read this article. So many facts which you mentioned here are eye-openers. Always appraised the Hindu mythology, articles, and ancient scriptures but never try to connect them with the world around us. Indeed a great read.

    1. gypsy says

      Thanks a lot, Priyanka, thought-provoking articles are always good to read.

  9. DoiBedouin says

    Loved reading it. Really. When I saw the heading Into had a feeling like what could be so uncanny about it. And you know what, I used to ask the same question to my ma, the stories are so similar, is Noah and Manu same person? She got so fed up by my questions then. 😊 However the fact about Dwarka is new. In fact, recently our friends circle had a similar discussion on the gotras. How truly they are put in the ancient times to maintain the genetic order.

    1. gypsy says

      Thanks a tonne. The sad part is most of us don’t understand this connection. But we should connect these dots.

  10. Hemant says

    I believe in Gotra system and there are few more uncanny resemblances. Please write an elaborate blog on Atlantis and Dwarka.

  11. Anindita says

    That’s a great write up . Even this thought has provoked me too …and while studying literature , so many such resemblance between western and Indian culture came across. Do you remember the incident of Duryadhana …his only weak point was his below waist line ..even in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey had a similar situation ..where grt warrior Achilles had a weak point — his heal. Obviously, they had some contacts for sure .
    The genepool thing among the royals showed some vulnerability also … it’s been observed that , to keep the blood purity royals only married to a close circle of families resulting some genetic disorders.
    Well, there are many issues need more of our attention …socio culture and history — lots to catch up . Will let you know if I find something new .

    1. gypsy says

      Wow Anindita, this is one of the reasons I love interacting with you. I was honestly not much aware of Homer’s Illiyad, but will do my research. In a similar manner, Baptism and Namkaran are pretty similar, one used Gangajal other used holy oil. I will love to hear more of your views.

  12. Heena Dhedhi says

    This article is such an eye open, Ive never seen the similarities till I read this article.

    1. gypsy says

      Thanks, Heena.

  13. Avantika says

    Quite an interesting read! These are things that wouldn’t have crossed one’s minds – thanks for putting this out there for us to ponder upon these!

  14. Roshni says

    Very well written. Quite informative and engaging content to read. I would like to thank you for such article. Incredible India

    1. gypsy says

      Thanks a tonne for the compliment Roshni.

  15. Dr Yasir Tyagi says

    Such an amazing content you create 😍 really very interesting 🤗😍

  16. Saif says

    India is well known for its culture and is a place of divine multilingual society , that can seperate it from others….. Loved your content

    1. gypsy says

      Thanks a tonne Saif.

  17. Rah says

    Very interesting, loved the post.

    1. gypsy says

      Thanks for liking the post.

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