Travel, Food, Books, Lifestyle, Review Blog

Book Review of Where Angels Prey

Where Angels Prey,is a well crafted novel. The author Ramesh S. Arunachalamhas picked up a complex issue of micro finance, and have weaved a thrilling story around the same. Nowhere the book will bore you, infact the complex financial

How to write a book

Do you have a story to share? But do not know how to get it published. There are lot of confusion, a first time writer faces. This article will help you in sorting out your thoughts. a)Make Blue Print- let’s keep it very simple, if you

What kind of traveler you are???

So, you want to go out on that much awaited trip with your best buddy or soul mate. But before you undertake that trip, wouldn’t it be good, to understand what kind of traveler you are? And in what travel category the other person falls? I…

Travel To Culture

The Land of Royalty- I grew up on a heavy dose of Charles Dickens literature, so one can very well relate my fascination for the royals. So when i got a chance to visit Jaipur, i jumped on the opportunity. Once you are in Jaipur you can…

Mukteshwar: A place to unwind….

Mukteshwar- Life is all about traveling and exploring the unexplored. In the end what matters, is the memory you have accumulated. Visit unknown spots, meet strangers, stay at unconventional places, and that's how you will create memories.…

Dam Lagaa Ke Haisha

Review of Dum Laga Ke Haisha Movie- YRF Films The movie is fun to watch and very entertaining. I fell in love with the simplicity of the sets and narration. It definitely evokes nostalgia, when the world was much simpler and happy without…